Loading Welcome to Year 6! Teacher: Miss Brady Teaching Assistant: Mrs Potter Your home learning for this half term (Autumn 1) is set below. Make sure to read everyday and complete your TT rockstars! You can find the links to some of the home learning bingo activities and spellings practise below. Welcome to Year 6 - Parent meeting PPT Welcome to Year 6 - Parent meeting PPT What have we been up to? Practising classification keys using sweets! Practising classification keys using sweets! Mark making/ drawing inspired by Mayan art Art Art Art Home learning Y6 Autumn 1 Homework Y6 Autumn 1 Year 6 Home Learning Autumn 1 Homework in Year 6 Autumn 1 PDF Maths place value reasoning questions Year 5 and 6 Spelling List Year 6 SPAG mats home learning Click here for BBC Reading inference activity Click here for BBC spanish learning Click here for BBC learning on negative numbers
Welcome to Year 6! Teacher: Miss Brady Teaching Assistant: Mrs Potter Your home learning for this half term (Autumn 1) is set below. Make sure to read everyday and complete your TT rockstars! You can find the links to some of the home learning bingo activities and spellings practise below.
Loading This half term we are learning.... Maths: Place value / Addition / Subtraction / Estimation (column methods) English focus: Windrush Child Art: Drawing / sketching / graffiti art PE: Dodgeball / Gymnastics Science: Living things and their habitats Geography: Physical Geography Music song focus: Happy RE: Creation Computing: Internet Safety
This half term we are learning.... Maths: Place value / Addition / Subtraction / Estimation (column methods) English focus: Windrush Child Art: Drawing / sketching / graffiti art PE: Dodgeball / Gymnastics Science: Living things and their habitats Geography: Physical Geography Music song focus: Happy RE: Creation Computing: Internet Safety