At St John’s Primary School, music plays a big part in school life.We aim to provide all pupils with a broad, engaging, and inclusive music education that inspires a lifelong love for music and equips them with key musical skills. By the end of primary school, pupils will be able to sing confidently, play a variety of instruments, compose their own music, and appreciate music from different cultures and time periods.
We intend of delivering a curriculum which:
inspires creativity, curiosity and a love of music
develops a range of musical skills including singing, listening, composing, and performing
children can appreciate and understand different musical styles, genres, and cultural traditions
builds confidence and teamwork through group music-making
allows every child to participate in the music lessons in school
All pupils will have experiences of a comprehensive Programme of Study through use of Charanga,through many practical ways. Pupils will take part in singing, playing instruments and listening to a range of musical styles. Music is also embedded in the curriculum in other ways, for example, to help with counting in maths, or to support a PSHE unit.We use a range of instruments throughout the school, and there is clear progression from Reception to Year 6.Teachers provide ongoing, formative assessment through observation, teacher feedback and peer feedback.
Wider opportunities for music are available through the school through the choir, Rocksteady group music lessons and individual piano lessons.
At St John’s, we wish for the following:
Pupils should develop an appreciation of music, being able to talk about music from different genres and cultures
Pupils should be able to demonstrate musical skills such as singing in tune, playing instruments, and recognising basic musical elements such asrhythm and pitch
Pupils should show an improvement in performance skills, developing their confidence through regular performance opportunities