You will be able to use this page to find our weekly homework and see what we have been learning in class.
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesdays so please wear your St John's PE kits on those days.
Year 5 Spellings
Spellings are taught and practised throughout each week. We refer to the statutory word lists for years 5 and 6 (revisit years 3 and 4 list) but mostly use the words linked with our English units. The words and their derivatives will be referred to, used and tested informally instead of being part of weekly tests.
Latest spelling focus is ably and ibly:
adorable - adorably - (adoration)
applicable – applicably - (application)
considerable – considerably - (consideration)
tolerable – tolerably - (toleration)
changeable, noticeable, forcible, legible
Also words ending in -ent-ence-ency:
innocent, decent, frequent, confident, obedient and independent.
Here are the previous focus words: according, curiosity, familiar, identity, immediate(ly), leisure, recommend, suggest.
Homework for Autumn Term
Year 5 curriculum themes for the Autumn term 2024
This term of English work begins with an in-depth look at the book, The Lost Thing, by Shaun Tan. The children will be developing their writing skills by producing diary entries, formal letters, adverts, character and setting descriptions, non-chronological reports based on the content of the book. The spellings they will be learning are used within the book and have been carefully selected based on the statutory word lists for years 5 and 6.
In Maths, we begin the term by consolidating place value knowledge and developing this to numbers to one million. The four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division soon become the focus before we work with fractions towards the end of term.
Physics is our focus for Science this term, beginning with investigating the properties of materials, moving on to forces after half term.
In RE we begin looking at what it means for Christians to believe that God is holy and loving. Later in the term we will consider whether creation and science are conflicting or complementary.
This term’s topic work: Geography - seas and oceans, wearing away the land and the seasons (1st half term); Music - rock and jazz; History – ancient Egypt (2nd half term); Computing – designing interactive games and coding; PE – exercise and fitness, netball and hockey; Art – formal elements of art while looking at architecture (1st half term); DT – design elements involving the use of electricity (2nd half term); PSHE – considering our rights and responsibilities, and accepting our differences; Spanish – months, days of the week and weather.
Trip: in November, Year 5 will be enjoying a day of outdoor learning at the Woodhall Estate (details to follow).